Monday, November 29, 2010

Words of Reassurance

As you may know, Sunday was election day here in Haiti. I don't know the complete story, just bits and pieces, but many of the candidates are calling for any results to be voided and promoting demonstrations. Widespread fraud was suspected, etc., etc. With that, there is a lot happening here, especially in Port-au-Prince. Yes, we did come upon a roadblock of burning tires in Fond Parisien this morning, but everything is fine and we are safe.

I don't know what they are showing on the news, but I can assure you that it isn't as bad as whatever is being said.

We, here, are all safe and well.

1 comment:

  1. Very timely words.I read a couple of articles about the elections in the paper this morning, and they weren't reasssuring, to say the least. Mèsi :-)
